Wordly Wise 2 해설

Wordly Wise Book 2 Lesson 1 본문 해설

후니쌤♥ 2025. 2. 13. 19:59

Bailey Finds a New Home 주요 표현 해설

글은 고양이 Bailey 새로운 집을 찾는 과정을 그리고 있습니다. 이야기 속에서 사용된 중요한 표현들을 살펴보겠습니다.


1. If Bailey could talk, he might tell you how he came to live with Sandra and Ken.

  • If Bailey could talk 가정법 과거 (Bailey 말을 있다면)
  • he might tell you 조동사 might 사용 (어쩌면 말해줄지도 모른다)
  • how he came to live with Sandra and Ken come to ~ ‘~하게 되다라는 의미 (그들과 함께 살게 과정)

2. Many times I waited outside their door for them to return home.

  • waited outside their door outside 전치사로 ‘~ 바깥에서’ ( 밖에서 기다렸다)
  • for them to return home for + 목적어 + to부정사 구조 (그들이 집으로 돌아오기를)

3. I knew I had only a couple of seconds to make my move.

  • I knew I had 시제 일치로 과거형 (knew had)
  • only a couple of seconds a couple of두어 개의, 초간
  • to make my move make a move행동을 취하다라는 의미

4. I would rub against Sandra’s calf, purring loudly and looking up at her face.

  • would rub would 과거의 반복적 행동을 나타냄 (습관적 행동)
  • against Sandra’s calf against ‘~ 기대어, ~ 대고라는 의미 (Sandra 종아리에 몸을 문지르며)
  • purring loudly and looking up at her face 현재분사를 사용하여 동작을 나열 (크게 가르랑거리며 그녀의 얼굴을 올려다보면서)

5. It’s true that I already had a home. But I had to share it with two other cats who liked to bully me.

  • It’s true that ~ ‘~ 사실이다라는 표현
  • I had to share it have to 과거형 (had to, ‘~해야 했다’)
  • who liked to bully me 관계대명사 who (나를 괴롭히는 것을 좋아하는 마리의 고양이)

6. I counted the cats that lived there. The number I came up with was zero.

  • that lived there 관계대명사 that (그곳에 살고 있는 고양이들)
  • the number I came up with was zero come up with ‘(아이디어, 해결책 등을) 생각해내다, 도출하다라는 의미 (내가 찾아낸 숫자는 0이었다)

7. Before long, the rain turned to snow. This was even better.

  • Before long 머지않아, 이라는 의미의 관용 표현
  • turned to snow turn to ‘~ 변하다라는 의미
  • This was even better. even 비교급을 강조 (훨씬 나았다)

8. Then I watched them hurry toward the house.

  • watch + 목적어 + 동사원형 ‘~ ~하는 것을 지켜보다’ (그들이 집으로 서둘러 가는 것을 지켜보았다)
  • hurry toward the house toward 방향을 나타냄 ( 쪽으로 급히 가다)

9. In no time, I was inside the house.

  • In no time , 금방이라는 의미의 관용 표현
  • I was inside the house inside 부사로 사용 가능 (나는 안에 있었다)

10. Sandra talked to my old owners about me.

  • talk to + 사람 + about ~ ‘~ 대해 ~ 이야기하다
  • my old owners old예전의, 이전의라는 의미로 사용됨 (이전 주인들)

11. I just push it open with my nose, and it closes behind me.

  • push it open push + 목적어 + 형용사 구조 (‘밀어서 열다’)
  • closes behind me behind ‘~ 뒤에서’ (내가 지나가면 문이 닫힌다)

12. I try not to sharpen my claws on their furniture.

  • try not to ~ ‘~하지 않도록 노력하다
  • sharpen my claws on ~ sharpen날카롭게 하다’, on ‘~에서’ (가구에서 발톱을 갈지 않도록 노력하다)

13. I think they are happy to have me around.

  • be happy to ~ ‘~해서 기쁘다
  • have me around have + 목적어 + 부사 구조 (나를 곁에 두다)



Bailey Finds a New Home

Sandra Adams and Ken Hodkinson live at Sugar Wood Farm in New Hampshire. They have a cat named Bailey. He did not always live with them. If Bailey could talk, he might tell you how he came to live with Sandra and Ken. Let's imagine he can.

At first, Ken and Sandra didn't want me. Many times I waited outside their door for them to return home. I knew I had only a couple of seconds to make my move. So I would rub against Sandra's calf, purring loudly and looking up at her face. But Ken always said, "Don't let him in. Don't let him in.11 And they shut the door in my face. 

It's true that I already had a home. But I had to share it with two other cats who liked to bully me. That was no fun. I wanted something better. Sugar Wood Farm was just around the corner, and I checked it out carefully. I counted the cats that lived there. The number I came up with was zero. As we cats say, 11Purr-fect! 11 

Weeks went by, and it was the same every time. I hung around the door for hours, and Ken and Sandra always closed it in my face. But I never gave up. Then, one dark and stormy night, my chance came . I was waiting for them to come home, as usual, when it started to rain. Now, cats know enough to get out of the rain. I could have taken shelter in their woodshed. But I wanted to be right there on the doorstep when they came home. 

Before long, the rain turned to snow. This was even better. I was sure that no one would turn a cat away on such a night. I heard their car pull into the yard. Then I watched them hurry toward the house. As soon as they saw me, I started to meow like a little lost kitten.

In no time, I was inside the house. Sandra dried me with a warm, fluffy towel. Ken kept saying, "Don't feed him. Don't feed him.11 But I wasn't looking for food just then. I was looking for a new home. At last, I thought I had found it. I was right. Before long, they were feeding me. Sandra talked to my old owners about me. They missed me, but they had two other cats. I didn't feel bad. 

Cats spend a lot of time sleeping, so Sandra made a soft cushion for me to use. To be honest, I prefer their bed. They also made a cat door for me with a little flap. I just push it open with my nose, and it closes behind me. Sandra likes to groom me. I think I do it better myself, but it gives her a lot of pleasure. I try not to sharpen my claws on their furniture. I think they are happy to have me around.


눈 내리는 밤, 따뜻한 빛이 새어 나오는 농가의 문 앞에 앉아 있는 복슬복슬한 오렌지색 고양이. 고양이는 희망에 찬 눈빛으로 문을 바라보며 새로운 보금자리를 찾는 듯한 모습이다
